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MONUNI (AgroGroup Fauna)

MONUNI (ex Fauna) was founded on the 1st of November 1996 with a single bag of veterinary medicine and passion to make impact that matters.

Beginning as a veterinary pharmacy, we did our best to ensure that farmers in Kosovo are provided with adequate products and their animals received the treatment they needed.

Same values accompany us to this day. Honesty, dedication, uncompromising integrity and the courage to offer the very best of our capabilities, are an eternal part of our culture.

Today based on these values, our range of services has expanded and our list of products has lengthened. Where meeting and exceeding our clients¡¯ needs is what drives us further.

We create impact that matters. As a result, what matters to you, matters to us. Every single detail of ours is created to offer the same level of attention and each one of our works is done to have a positive impact. For you and everyone else involved.

We are defined by what matters to us.
There are some things we care about deeply. Like your health. We have been trusted by prestigious international and local organizations in more than 100 projects. These projects have given us the platform to demonstrate the value that genuine care combined with professional competence brings.

Company Info
Basic Information
Company Name:MONUNI (AgroGroup Fauna)
Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Supplier Pet Food Industry
Product/Services:Products for pets, veterinarian services, dog's food, DDD services (disinfection, derattization, dezinsection), Pet care, agrarian products, farmer's market, veterinarian market,supplier for veterinary products all around Kosovo. ,dog toys ,dogs products ,
Number of Employees:80 to 99
Company Website URL:TradeLeads.html

Ownership & Capital
Year Established:1996

Trade & Market
Main Customer(s):Pet owners

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